What is Amateur Radio? Amateur radio is a community of people that use radio transmitters and recivers to communicate with other amateur radio operators.The things that amateur radio operators do with their radios are diverse as the people themselves. There are few things that hams are not allowed to do: 1) Hams are not allowed to do anything with their radios that make them money in way.Bummer ham radio is a hobby,but that doesn't mean it's completely frivoulous. 2)Ham radio operators cannot broadcast to the public.This means that ham radio transmissions are meant to be recived by other ham radio operators.While a short wave radios or scanners will allow you to listen to the ham radio bands.What you will hear is hams talking to other hams and not music or other radio programs of general interest. With these (and other)guidelines however,hams are empowered to do just about everything that goverment and private radio stations are allowed to do.